Tuesday, 30 September 2008

When you say it's dead and gone,
I know you're wrong.

Cut and slash, sharpest knife.
It won't die.

Poison cup, drank it up.
It won't die.

No fire, no gun, no rope, no stone.
It won't die.

Why you gotta shove it in my face,
As if you put me in my place.
Cause I don't care,
If you or me is wrong or right,
Ain't gonna spend another night.
In your bed.

Laws of man, are just pretend.
They ain't mine.

Love so good, love so bad.
It won't die.

Some talk too long, they know it all.
I just smile and move on

Words ain't free, like you and me.
I don't mind.

Why'd you have to be so mean and cruel,
The dogs are loose I'm on to you.
You ball and chained together from the dawn to dusk.
Can't call it leavin, cause it's just,

I never came.

.. yep.. it won't die..

Friday, 26 September 2008


Alguem que me arranje um justiceiro sff!!!
este ambiente deixa qq um enraivecido..

Friday, 19 September 2008

e em Cambridge foi assim..

paparazzis que nao nos largam...

suponho que isto de se ter jeito para fazer punting esta nos genes tugas..
O' mar salgado...

Olhem so quem ca esteve!

Fred, com esse olhar tao profundo.. no's fazemos te as vontadinhas todas!!

ui.. que fotogenicos que nos somos!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

e este??

para tar mm a rigor falta lhe umas orelhinhas.. mas muito pequenitas!!

Sou assim...

.. sempre pronta a dar chibatadas!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Quem lembra??!!

Epa.. grande hit de 89!!
E com gde nostalgia (e uma lagrima quasi quasi a cair no cantinho do olho!!) que lembro do meu pai comprar esta cassette na praca do cacem!
.. quem se sabe orientar, sabe!